Set against the rural backdrop, the film explores the exciting world of gully cricket focusing on the intense rivalry between two star players, Gethu and Anbu. When Anbu, gets romantically involved with Gethu`s daughter their rivalry escalates into a dramatic clash. The story builds to a climactic showdown where their skills and emotions are put to the ultimate test.
A love story that deals with the perception and ideology of a young man and how real-life experiences change his thought process.
A small-scale doctor Siddha attempts to lead a peaceful life with his wife away from their horrible past lives. However, he has to face a police inspector who wants to kill him for vengeance.
Pavi, a caretaker in a residential flat navigates through life and its hurdles, when an unforeseen companionship turns his life around.
Arjun and Deepika, who recently tied the knot, encounter a challenge as Arjun struggles to sleep at night due to Deepika's snoring. How will they navigate this situation together?
Govardhan, an architect, meets his new tenant Indu, a student. However, when everything seems to be going smoothly, Govardhan is confronted with a shocking revelation from Indu. Who is she and what is her connection to his life?
A man attempts to con the residents of his village by playing on their superstitions.