25th August 2022,


The journey of Liger, from Karimnagar to Mumbai, from a nobody to a competitor, in his search for recognition while navigating his weaknesses, relationships, and love life.
A hotshot lawyer who is a money-minded locks horns with his father, a good man and an ex-judge in a case involving the person because of whom the judge had to resign.
11th February 2022, ,

DJ Tillu

DJ Tillu Is A Wild Local DJ Who Lives Life To The Fullest. Tillu Lives Under False Prestige, Hoping To Be A Successful DJ One Day, Despite His Father's Opposition To His Profession. He Meets Radhika One Day And Instantly Falls In Love With Her. But, Much To Tillu's Surprise, Radhika Drags Him Into A Mess. The Rest Of The Story Is About How DJ Tillu Manages To Get Out Of This Huge Mess.

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